Author Archives: Kenneth PINTO

About Kenneth PINTO

Educational Technologist NUS Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology

Central Webcast Control Room

Central Webcast Control Room

A new centralised webcast lecture recording facility was launched in 1 November 2011. This new facility consists of 10 high-end recording stations which allows remote camera control and archiving operations. The stations can handle more than 80 hours of recorded webcast lectures per day.

Prior to the launch of this new facility, CIT was recording from a few satellite sites located at the Faculties and Schools. This new centralised recording room will help CIT to manage manpower more effectively and streamline its recording workflow.

The iCreate Mobility Challenge has come to a close. Many students participated, but there could only be one winner from each category. The top prizes went to:

  • Super IVLE Boy (Android category)
    • Chai Zheng Xin
    • Damien Tan Rong Tai
    • Yap Wei Rong
  • M3W (iOS category)
    • Cheok Jianzhong Matthew
    • Lee Xian Jieh
    • Liew Wee Keat
    • Sim Xiangli
  • JPPJFF (Mobile Web category)
    • Long Jinghan
    • Rong Juancheng
    • Wang Yong
    • Wu Qi
  • AppSycos (Windows Phone 7 category) (Overall Winner)
    • Amulya Khare
    • Chong Kwok Hoe, Ivan
    • Mohit Singh Kanwal
    • Rajul Gupta

Congratulations, once again, to all iCreate winning teams!

in The Straits Times, 2 August 2011
by Leow Si Wan

The Education Resource Centre of the University Town (UTown) is poised to become a souped-up learning hub for the National University of Singapore (NUS).

The $50 million, four-level building, to be open 24/7, bristles with technology that will promote the active exchange of ideas among students, including collaborations across disciplines....

During a media tour yesterday, the director of NUS' Centre for Instructional Technology Ravi Chandran explained that the Education Resource Centre will be a test bed for collaborative technologies.

He said: 'We are working with companies to test the latest software and hardware, and if it works well here, we plan to extend these technologies to the Kent Ridge campus.'

Read the article

by Jeffery TAY


With increased focus on end user experience, it is extremely important to understand their usage behavior and tune our systems to enhance their experience. Capturing usage information not only helps us understand their behavior, it benefits other areas as well such as audits, investigation and capacity sizing.

In 2009, NUS built a user behaviour monitoring module into its own home grown Virtual Learning Management System (LMS), which allowed us to track the user's movement within the LMS and understand their usage pattern.

The results gathered busted a fair number of assumptions which we had over students' behaviour and had us surprised.

The presentation will showcase the expected as well as unexpected findings from this behaviour module as well as how we adapted our LMS to be more student centric.

Paper Presentation at eLearning Forum Asia 2011 in NTU, Singapore. 8, 9 & 10 June 2011.