Milestone 2

Both Chen Guoyi and Ma Jiajun have worked diligently over the course of June to complete key tasks for the project. Key tasks such as SSM framework familiarization, user login functionality, frontend designs, and product classification management have been successfully completed, with a few functionalities currently in progress. Both team members have exhibited strong understanding and efficient work ethics, as reflected in the execution of tasks.

Project Log

TasksDateChen GuoyiMa JiajunRemarks
discuss the feedback gained from mile stone 1 and discuss the content we diside to cover in milestone 2June 1, 20231 hour and 30 minutes1 hour and 30 minutes-we found that in order to build an online shopping platform that could function properly, both the front and backend part need to be well designed
learn tools for development environmentJune 2,3 hours2 hours-we found that the newest virsion might not be stable and some tool is better naturally when serving a specific purpose
learn the logic of SSM frameworkJune 3,3hours3hours-we found that in order to make things manageable, different machine(e.g. controller, dispatcher,mapper)… need to coordinate together
watch full build-framework videos to get the tasteJne 4, 202314hours14hours-the whole process at first is quite complicate as add one functionality could result in multiple files changed
user login page and their information storage function5-Jun-234hours4hour-this is the first functionality enable us to feel the whole process of implementing under SSM framework
homepage design.8-Jun-235hours8hours
related content on menu page
databse discussion and rough build up9-Jun-234hours4hours
user management and permission10-Jun-235hours2hours
user personality management e,g, upload avatar11-Jun-238hours8hours
Learning and Implementation of Asynchronous Upload and Load Information12-Jun-237hours8hours
modifying order information function15-Jun-233hours3hours
finalise the SSM framework check the content it covers pack it for future useJune 16,14hours14hours-we decide to have the following basic functionalities: Menu management, role management, user management, log management, authority management
browsing some online fronend development design and implement some features17-Jun-234hours5hours
Create a new project and import configuration scaffolding18-Jun-23Approx. 1hourApprox 1hour
Product classification management function design and implementation19-Jun-236hours
Commodity management function design and implementation21-Jun-238hours
Improve product classification search and user management functions22-Jun-233hours3hours
Order management function 23-Jun-236hours7hours
product review function
User registration and login 24-Jun-237hours7hours
homepage product display function


Our teammate, Chen Guoyi (, will commence his SEP Exchange Program at the University of California, Los Angeles, starting on June 26, 2023. Consequently, we kindly request a temporary delay in distributing a username and password to test our project. Please note that accessing our project website may result in an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error response during this period.

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Blog.nus accounts will move to SSO login, tentatively before the start of AY24/25 Sem 2. Once implemented, only current NUS staff and students will be able to log in to Blog.nus. Public blogs remain readable to non-logged in users. (More information.)