Category: Academic Essay

Constructing Lagrange Polynomial with Chebyshev Nodes for f(x) = cos(x) on [0, 2π]

Constructed the Lagrange interpolating polynomial that interpolates f(x)=cos(x) on the interval [0, 2π] using 6 Chebyshev nodes. The coefficients of the polynomial are meticulously computed, followed by a graphical comparison with the original function to visually affirm the accuracy of the interpolation….

Implementation of Fuzzy Control Algorithm in Two-Wheeled Differential Drive Platform

Designing and developing Artificial Intelligence controllers on separately dedicated chips have many advantages. This report reviews the development of a real-time fuzzy logic controller for optimizing locomotion control of a two-wheeled differential drive platform using an Arduino Uno board. Based on the Raspberry Pi board, fuzzy sets are used to optimize color recognition, enabling the color sensor to correctly recognize color at long distances, across a wide range of light intensity, and with high fault tolerance….

Tuning Strategy of PID Parameters for Coupled PID Control Systems and its Applications

With its three-term functionality offering treatment of both transient and steady-state responses, the Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control system provides a generic and efficient solution to real world control problems. In this project report, two strategies of tuning PID parameters are designed for coupled control systems, using the ideas of forced decoupling, and using different PID parameters for different control scenarios to reduce the interference between the outputs of the coupled systems. These strategies have been applied in the EE3305 Path Planning and Navigation project and the CG1111A mBot maze project, thus solving real-world control problems….

Experiment Report of Research on Resistance Reduction Mechanism of Dimples on Golf Ball’s Surface

Explained the reason why the surface dimples are capable of lowering drag acting on a golf ball in motion through a fluid medium. Using Autodesk® 3DsMax® to construct golf ball surface model. Acquiring the correlation between concave degree of surface dimple in golf ball and drag force using COMSOL® Multiphysics laminar flow analysis. Obtained the surface structure that could make the golf ball fly the farthest using MATLAB® analysis….

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