Cheng Yoke Wang |
Personal Particulars | |
Senior Research Fellow | |
NUS Environmental Research Institute,
1 CREATE Way, #15-02 CREATE Tower, Singapore, 138602 |
Professional Profile: Google Scholar; Scopus; LinkedIn | |
Phone: (65) 8945 0495 | |
Email: |
Education and Work Experience
Senior Lecturer, Chemical Engineering Department, School of Engineering and Computing, Manipal International University, Malaysia (2021-2022)
Postdoctoral Researcher, HICoE Centre for Biofuel and Biochemical Research, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia (2019-2021)
Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (2017-2019)
B.Eng (Chemical Engineering), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (2013-2017)
Research Interests
- Biomass valorisation
- Thermochemical conversion
- Heterogeneous catalysis
- Renewable energy
- Wastewater treatment
Selected Publications
- Xu, D., Wang, B., Li, X., Cheng, Y.W., Fu, W., Dai, Y. Wang, C.H. (2023). Solar-driven biomass chemical looping gasification using Fe3O4 for syngas and high-purity hydrogen production. Chem Eng J.
- Imanuella, N., Witoon, T., Cheng, Y.W., Chong, C.C., Ng, K.H.*, … (2022). Interfacial-engineered CoTiO3-based composite for photocatalytic applications: A review. Chem. Lett. 20.
- Chong, C.C., Cheng, Y.W., Ishak, S., Lam, M.K.*, … (2022). Anaerobic digestate as a low-cost nutrient source for sustainable microalgae cultivation: A way forward through waste valorization approach. Total Environ. 803.
- Chen, K., Ng, K.H.*, Cheng, C.K., Cheng, Y.W., … (2022). Biomass-derived carbon-based and silica-based materials for catalytic and adsorptive applications – An update since 2010. Chemosphere. 287(2).
- Cheng, Y.W., Lim, J.S.M., Chong, C.C., Lam, M.K.*, … (2021). Unravelling CO2 capture performance of microalgae cultivation and other technologies via comparative carbon balance analysis. Environ. Chem. Eng. 9(6)
- Chong, C.C.*, #, Cheng, Y.W.#, Ng, K.H., Vo, D.N., Lam, M.K., & Lim, J.W. (2021). Bio-hydrogen production from steam reforming of liquid biomass wastes and biomass-derived oxygenates: A review. Fuel. 311.
- Chong, C.C.*, Cheng, Y.W., Lam, M.K., Setiabudi, H.D., & Vo, D.N. (2021). State-of-the-art of the synthesis and applications of sulfonated carbon-based catalysts for biodiesel production: A review. Energy Technol. 9(9).
- Chong, C.C.#, Cheng, Y.W.#, Bukhari, S.N., Setiabudi, H.D.*, & Jalil, A.A. (2021). Methane dry reforming over Ni/fibrous SBA-15 catalysts: Effects of support morphology (rod-liked F-SBA-15 and dendritic DFSBA-15). Today. 375.
- Cheng, Y.W.*, #, Chong, C.C.#, Lam, M.K., … (2021). Holistic process evaluation of non-conventional palm oil mill effluent (POME) treatment technologies: A conceptual and comparative review. Hazard. Mater. 409.
- Nguyen, T.T., Lam, M.K.*, Cheng, Y.W., Uemura, Y., … (2021). Reaction kinetic and thermodynamics studies for in-situ transesterification of wet microalgae paste to biodiesel. Eng. Res. Des. 169.
- Chai, Y.H., Mohamed, M., Cheng, Y.W., Chin, B.L.F., Yiin, C.L., Yusup, S.*, & Lam, M. K. (2021). A review on potential of biohydrogen generation through waste decomposition technologies. Biomass Convers. Biorefin.
- Cheng, Y.W.*, #, Chong, C.C.#, Lam, M.K., Leong, W.H., … (2021). Identification of microbial inhibitions and mitigation strategies towards cleaner bioconversions of palm oil mill effluent (POME): A review. Clean. Prod. 280.
- Foong, S.Y.#, Liew, R.K.#, Yang, Y.#, Cheng, Y.W.#, …, & Lam, S.S.*. (2020). Valorization of biomass waste to engineered activated biochar by microwave pyrolysis: progress, challenges, and future directions. Eng. J. 417.
- Cheng, Y.W.*, Chong, C.C., …, & Cheng, C.K.* (2020). Syngas from palm oil mill effluent (POME) steam reforming over lanthanum cobaltite: Effects of net-basicity. Energ. 148.
- Cheng, Y.W., Chong, C.C.*, Cheng, C.K.*, … (2020). Ethylene production from ethanol dehydration over mesoporous SBA-15 catalyst derived from palm oil clinker waste. Clean. Prod. 249.
- Cheng, Y.W.*, Lee, Z.S., …, Cheng, C.K.*, … (2019). Hydrogen-rich syngas production via steam reforming of palm oil mill effluent (POME)–A thermodynamics Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 44.
- Cheng, Y.W., Khan, M.R., …, & Cheng, C.K.* (2019). Harnessing renewable hydrogen-rich syngas from valorization of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using steam reforming technique. Energ. 138.
- Cheng, Y.W., Ng, K.H., Lam, S.S., …, & Cheng, C.K.* (2019). Syngas from catalytic steam reforming of palm oil mill effluent: An optimization study. J. Hydrogen Energ. 44.
- Cheng, Y.W., Chang, Y.S., Ng, K.H., …, & Cheng, C.K.* (2017). Photocatalytic restoration of liquid effluent from oil palm agroindustry in Malaysia using tungsten oxides catalyst. Clean. Prod. 162.