Scholarly Activities
Journal Papers
Darley, D., Blundell, P., Cherry, L., Wong, J., Wilson, A. M., & Vaughan, S. (2024). Breaking the boundaries collective: A manifesto for relationship-based practice. Ethics and Social Welfare, 18(1), 94–106.
Harry, O. (2023). Daoism and posthuman subjectivity in Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Lathe of Heaven. RSAJournal, 34, 99-116.
Kaur, M., & Phan, J. (2024). Examining exemplar elements of selected Malaysian higher education institutions’ academic integrity policy: Document analysis based evidence. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 9(1), 269-293.
Navera, G. S. (2023). Towards a framework of empowerment: Reflections on teaching in an age of disruption. Philippine Sociological Review, 71, 39-50.
Qin, J., & Groombridge, T. (2023). Deconstruction of summary writing: An exploration of the relationship between L2 reading and writing. Sage Open, 13(4), 1-10.
Sabapathy, C. (2024). Mid-semester course evaluations: Meta evaluation of higher education course coordinators’ evaluative practices. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 12(3), 93-103.
Siraki, A.T. (2023). The decline of Dr. Frasier Crane. The Journal of Popular Culture, 56(5-6), 797-809.
Tang, K. K., Lee, G. L., & Wong, D. (2023). Mentoring to cross conceptual thresholds in the scholarship of teaching English communication. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 34(3), 175-194.
TwiLex Group (Chen et al.). (2024). First language effects on incidental vocabulary learning through bimodal input: A multisite, preregistered, and close replication of Malone (2018). Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1–26.
Wong, J. (2024). Resemblance by meaning and culture between Singapore English and Singapore Mandarin. Intercultural Pragmatics, 21(3), 451-476.
Wong, J. (2023). What completes an excellent teacher? Care in higher education English language teaching. International Journal of TESOL Studies, 5(3).
Edited Book
Wai-Cook, M. S. S., Saleh, A., & Bista, K. (Eds.). (2023). Online teaching and learning in Asian higher education: Pedagogical approaches to classroom practices. Springer Nature Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Book Chapters
Lee, K.C., & Wu, S.M. (2024). Disciplinary academic literacy at higher education: Re-thinking ELT. In S. Boun & C.S. Duran (Eds.), English education in Southeast Asian contexts: policy, practice, and identity (pp. 139-158). Lexington Books.
Toh, A. (2024). The flipped challenge: Improving pre-class activity engagement without awarding marks for pre-Class work? In J. Dean, G. Finster, O. Akroyd & K. D. Karatzas (Eds.), Education in crisis: Lessons from today (2nd ed., pp. 189-205). Gires Press.
Wai-Cook, M. S. S. (2023). Communities and engagement: Are students still able to demonstrate empathy in an online course? In M. S. S. Wai-Cook, A. Saleh, & K. Bista (Eds.), Online teaching and learning in Asian higher education: Pedagogical approaches to classroom practices (pp. 191-205). Springer Nature Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Wai-Cook, M. S. S. (2023). Navigating online teaching in Asia: Innovations and challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. In M. S. S. Wai-Cook, A. Saleh, & K. Bista (Eds.), Online teaching and learning in Asian higher education: Pedagogical approaches to classroom practices (pp. 267-276). Springer Nature Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Book Review
Deokiesingh, J. (2024). [Review of the book Standards, stigma, surveillance: Racio linguistic ideologies and England’s schools, by I. Cushing.]. British Journal of Educational Studies,1-2.
Groombridge, T. L., & Choo, D. A. (2024, March 26). From learners to collaborators: Exploring the role of student-teacher partnerships in UTOP. Teaching Connections.
Lam, A. W. (2024, May 1). Embracing AI in education. Faculty Focus.
Lam, A. W. (2024, May 28). Learning from learners: Student use of AI. The Teaching Professor.
Lee, M.C. (2023, October 19). Interaction and critical thinking in online discussions: some considerations. Teaching English and Communication in Higher Education.
Phan, J., & Teng, J. (2024, May 30). AI for learning: Students’ perceptions and use of ChatGPT. Teaching Connections.
Sabapathy, C. (2024, April 24). Unessay—Gateway to future Higher Education (HE) assessments in an AI world? Teaching Connections.
Thompson, A.A., & Yuen, B. (2023, September 22). Enhancing students’ engagement through Miro: Transitioning from online to face-to-face learning in a science communication course. Teaching Connections.
Toh, A. (2023, September 18). Fair use or copyright infringement? What academic researchers need to know about ChatGPT prompts. Society for Research into Higher Education (SHRE) Blog.
Toh, A. (2023, November 23). Scaffolding student participation with poll everywhere. Teaching Connections.
Wong, J. O. (2024, March 24). Who’s afraid of academic writing? A reflective essay on dispelling anxiety and fear in an academic writing course. Teaching Connections.
Zhou, Z. (2023, October 29). Raising Critical Questions and Saving Face. Teaching Connections.