Scholarly Activities

Grant Projects (University Level Funds)

An Investigation of GenAI Writing Rubrics. NUS Provost Special Grant. (2024)
Kooi Cheng Lee, Principal Investigator
Misty So-Sum Wai-Cook, Co-Investigator
Ziqian Zhou, Co-Investigator  

Enhancing Faculty Educational Video Production Proficiency to Elevate Teaching Practices and Boost Learning. Teaching Enhancement Grant (TEG), Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning (CDTL), Learning Community (LC) Project. (2024)
Akshay Narayan, Principal Facilitator
Lieu Zi Zhao, Co-Facilitator 
Marissa Kwan Lin E, Team Member

Providing Relational and Sustainable Feedback to Students. Teaching Enhancement Grant (TEG), Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning (CDTL), Learning Community (LC) Project, National University of Singapore. (2023 – 2024)
Norhayati Bte Mohd Ismail, Principal Facilitator 
Patrick Bernard Gallo, Co-Facilitator 
Jessie Teng, Team Member 
Yurni Said-Sirhan, Team Member 
Yasmin Merchant, Team Member 
Susan See Tho, Team Member 
Danielle S. Tan, Team Member 
Erik Birgersson, Team Member 

Students’ Reaction to and Regulation of Emotions in Receiving Feedback. Teaching Enhancement Grant (TEG), Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning (CDTL), National University of Singapore. (2022 – 2024)
Kooi Cheng Lee, Principal Investigator
Misty So-Sum Wai-Cook, Co-Investigator
Derek Wong, Co-Investigator
Eric Chan, Co-Investigator
Chng Hui Ting, Co-Investigator
Chen Wenqian, Co-Investigator

TEG Blended Learning 2.0: Best Practices in Designing a Community of Inquiry to Enhance Student Learning in Language and Communication Courses. Teaching Enhancement Grant (TEG). (2023-2025)
Misty So-Sum Wai-Cook, Principal Investigator
Marissa Kwan Lin E, Co-Investigator
Jodie Luu, Co-Investigator
Kum Khuan Tang, Co-Investigator
Brenda Yuen, Co-Investigator
Doreen Yun Ru Tan, Co-Investigator
Norhayati Bte Mohd Ismail, Co-Investigator
Cao Feng, Co-Investigator
Ming Cherk Lee, Co-Investigator


Collaborative digital whiteboards in a blended science communication course: Promoting online engagement, self-regulated learning, and writing performance
Brenda Yuen, Principal Investigator
Amelyn Thompson, Co-Investigator 

Community Engagement: Validation of assessment tools
Misty So-Sum Wai-Cook, Project Co-Leader, NUS Teaching Academy 

Investigating Student Difficulty as a Construct in the Ideas and Exposition Programme Context. CELC Education-Related Research Support Scheme. (2024)
Gene Segarra Navera, Principal Investigator  
Marissa Kwan Lin E, Co-Investigator 

Is ChatGPT any good: Evaluating the potential of ChatGPT-reformulated essays as written feedback in L2 writing 
Yingzhao Chen, Principal Investigator

L2 learners’ perceived knowledge, use, and beliefs of ChatGPT in English language learning
Yingzhao Chen, Principal Investigator

Presenting Writer’s Perspective in CLIL: A Reading-Writing teaching approach 
Ming Cherk Lee, Principal Investigator
Uma Jayaraman, Co-Investigator
Jinat Rehana Begum, Co-Investigator

Speech-gesture-slide interplay in academic oral presentations 
Tetyana Smotrova, Principal Investigator
Anita Toh, Co-Investigator

Student life
Misty So-Sum Wai-Cook, Team Member, NUS Teaching Academy 

Summarizing and promoting graduate research in the Arts and Humanities: Insights for teaching cross-disciplinary academic communication 
Netty Mattar, Principal Investigator
Christian Chia, Co-Investigator
Owen Harry, Co-Investigator

Tackling the academic reading in Ideas and Exposition Courses
Marissa Kwan Lin E, Project Leader
Gene Segarra Navera, Team Member
Anuradha Ramanujan, Team Member

Teaching and learning with a multifaceted approach: A follow-up impact study of an academic literacy module for science students
Ming Cherk Lee, Principal Investigator
Chammika Udalagama, Co-Investigator
Brenda Yuen, Co-Investigator

The effects of Students’ Perceptions of the Uptake of Information, Emotion and Social Interaction on Feedback Literacy. Education-related Research Support Scheme. (2024)
Misty So-Sum Wai-Cook, Principal Investigator 

Two case studies of GenAI use in the language and communication classroom
Marissa Kwan Lin E, Principal Investigator
Misty So-Sum Wai-Cook, Co-Investigator 

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