5. Publication

Papers can be sent upon request.  Please email with simple message:  [Request-  Paper Title] ceekt@nus.edu.sg

JOURNAL   (*corresponding)
  1. Lo, M.K., Wei, X., Chian, S.C., and Ku, T.* (2021). “Bayesian network prediction of stiffness and shear strength of sand.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 147, No. 5, 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002505.
  2. Wei, X., Liu, H., and Ku, T.* (2021). “Effects of fines content on the engineering properties of cement-stabilized sands containing plastic fines: experimental characterization with microscale analysis.” Granular Matter, accepted.
  3. Lo, M.K., Leung, A.Y.F.*, and Ku, T. (2021). “Variability response function approach for foundation reliability.” Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 64, 103129, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.probengmech.2021.103129.
  4. Jumassultan, A., Sagidullina, N., Kim, J., Ku, T., and Moon, S.W.* (2021). “Performance of cement-stabilized sand subjected to freeze-thaw cycles.” Geomechanics and Engineering, accepted.
  5. Liu, Y., Zhang Y., Nilot, E., Ng, T.C.H., Yang, P., and Ku, T.* (2021). “Detection of a shallow-buried rock obstruction using 2D full waveform inversion.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 143, 106644, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2021.106644.
  6. Wei, X., Liu, H., and Ku, T.* (2020) “Micro-scale analysis to characterize effects of water content on the strength of cement stabilized sand-clay mixtures.” Acta Geotechnica, Vol. 15, No. 10, 2905-2923, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11440-020-01018-3.
  7. Subramanian, S., Khan, Q., and Ku, T.* (2020). “Effect of sand on the stiffness characteristics of cement-stabilized clay.” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 264, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120192.
  8. Zhang, Y., Li, Y., and Ku, T.* (2020). “A modified seismic reflection approach for engineering geology investigation in fractured rock zones.” Engineering Geology, Vol. 270, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105592.
  9. Subramanian, S., Zhang, Y., Vinoth, G., Moon, J., and Ku, T.* (2020). “Hydraulic conductivity of cemented sand from experiments and 3D image based numerical analysis.” Geomechanics and Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 5, 423-432, http://dx.doi.org/10.12989/gae.2020.21.5.423
  10. Shaldykova, A., Moon, S.W.*, Kim, J., Lee, D., Ku, T., and Zhussupbekov, A. (2020). “Comparative analysis of Kazakhstani and European approaches for the design of shallow foundations.” Applied Sciences, Vol.10, No.8, 2920; https://doi.org/10.3390/app10082920.
  11. Ku, T.*, Subramaniam, P., Zhang, Y., Moon,S.W., Wei, X., Huang, E.S., Kumarasamy, J., and Goh, K.H. (2020). “Practical configured Microtremor Array Measurements (MAM) for geological investigation of underground space.” Underground Space (Invited paper for a special issue titled “Digital Geology and Machine Learning in Tunneling”), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.undsp.2020.01.004.
  12. Moon, S.W., Kim, R.E., Cheng, C.C., Li, Y., and Ku, T.* (2020). “Post-processing of background noise from SCPT auto source signal: A feasibility study for soil type classification.” Measurement, Vol. 156, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2020.107610
  13. Liu, Y., Yang, P.*, Ku, T., and Gao, S. (2020). “Effect of different nanoparticles on the grouting performance of cement-based grouts in dynamic water condition.” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 248, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.118663.
  14. Khan, Q., Moon, S.W., and Ku, T.* (2020). “Idealized sine wave approach to determine arrival times of shear wave signals using bender elements.” Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, Vol. 43, No. 1, 171-193, https://doi.org/10.1520/GTJ20170121.
  15. Moon, S.W., Vinoth, G., Subramanian, S., Kim, J., and Ku, T.* (2020). “Effect of fine particles on strength and stiffness of cement treated sand.” Granular Matter, Vol. 22, No. 9, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10035-019-0975-6. [open access]
  16. Subramaniam, P., Zhang, Y., Ng, Y.C.H., and Ku, T.* (2020). “Modal Analysis of Rayleigh Waves using Classical MASW-MAM Approach: Site Investigation in a Reclaimed Land.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol 128, 105902, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2019.105902.
  17. Moon, S.W.*, Zhanar, B., Khan, Q., and Ku, T. (2020). Discussion on “Shear wave velocity of zeolite-cement grouted sands”, by Afshin Kordnaeij, Reza Ziaie Moayed and Majid Soleimanib [Soil Dyn Earthq Eng 122 (2019) 196–210], Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 128, 105845, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2019.105845.
  18. Moon, S.W.*, Zhanar, B., Khan, Q., and Ku, T. (2020). Discussion of Dynamic Characterization of Sand Stabilized with Cement and RHA and Reinforced with Polypropylene Fiber, by Ali Ghorbani and Maysam Salimzadehshooiili, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 32(8): 07020006.
  19. Wei, X. and Ku, T.* (2020). “New design chart for geotechnical ground improvement: characterizing cement stabilized sand.” Acta Geotechnica, Vol. 15, No. 4, 999-1011, 10.1007/s11440-019-00838-2.
  20. Lee, C., Nam, H., Lee, W., Choo, H.*, and Ku, T. (2019). “Estimating UCS of cement-grouted sand using characteristics of sand and UCS of pure grout.” Geomechanics and Engineering, An International Journal, Vol. 19, No. 4, 343-352, https://doi.org/10.12989/gae.2019.19.4.343.
  21. Moon, S.W., Subramaniam, P., Zhang, Y., Vinoth, G., and Ku, T.* (2019).  “Bedrock Depth Evaluation Using Microtremor Measurement: Empirical Guidelines at Weathered Granite Formation in Singapore.” Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 171, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jappgeo.2019.103866. [open access]
  22. Zhang, Y., Li, Y., and Ku, T.* (2019). “Geotechnical site investigation for tunneling and underground works by advanced passive surface wave survey.” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 90, 319-329, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tust.2019.05.003.
  23. Subramaniam, P., Banerjee, S., and Ku, T.* (2019). “Shear modulus and damping ratio model for cement treated clay.” International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, Vol. 19, No. 7, 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001448.
  24. Subramanian, S., Khan, Q., and Ku, T.* (2019). “Strength development and prediction of calcium sulfoaluminate treated sand with optimized gypsum for replacing OPC in ground improvement.” Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 202, 308-318. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.12.121.
  25. Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, H., and Ku, T.* (2019). “Near-surface site investigation by seismic interferometry using urban traffic noise in Singapore.” Geophysics, SEG, Vol. 84, No. 2, P. B169-B180, 10.1190/GEO2017-0798.1
  26. Subramaniam, P., Zhang, Y., and Ku, T.* (2019). “Underground survey to locate weathered bedrock depth using noninvasive microtremor measurements in Jurong sedimentary formation, Singapore.” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 86, 10-21, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tust.2019.01.005
  27. Khan, Q., Subramanian, S., Wong, D.Y.C., and Ku, T.(2019). “Bender elements in stiff cemented clay: shear wave velocity correction by applying wavelength considerations.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 56, No. 7, 1034-1041, https://doi.org/10.1139/cgj-2018-0153.
  28. Subramanian, S., Moon, S.W., Moon, J. and Ku, T.(2018). “CSA treated sand for ground improvement: Microstructure analysis and rapid strength development.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 30, No. 12,  10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002523.
  29. Vinoth, G., Moon, S.W., Moon, J. and Ku, T.* (2018). “Early strength development in cement-treated sand using low-carbon rapid-hardening cements.” Soils and Foundations, Vol. 58, No. 5, 1200-1211, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sandf.2018.07.001.
  30. Moon, S.W., Ng, Y.C.H., and Ku, T.* (2018). “Global semi-empirical relationships for correlating soil unit weight with shear wave velocity by void-ratio function.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 55, No. 8, 1193–1199, 10.1139/cgj-2017-0226.
  31. Moon, S.W. and Ku, T.* (2018). “Undrained shear strength in cohesive soils estimated by directional modes of in-situ shear wave velocity.” Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 5, 2851-2868, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10706-018-0508-9.
  32. Moon, S.W. and Ku, T.* (2017). “Reply to the discussion by Danziger F.A.B and Jannuzzi G.M.F on Development of global correlation models between in-situ stress-normalized shear wave velocity and soil unit weight for plastic soils.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 54, No. 12, 1790–1792 10.1139/cgj-2017-0239 [open access].
  33. Moon, S.W., Hayashi, K., and Ku, T.* (2017). “Estimating spatial variations in bedrock depth and weathering degree in decomposed granite from surface waves.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 143, No.7, 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001679, Article Number: 04017020.
  34. Jung, J.W., Ku, T., and Ahn, J.* (2017). “Small strain stiffness of unsaturated sands containing a polyacrylamide solution.” Materials10(4), 401; doi:10.3390/ma10040401.
  35. Ku, T.*, Subramanian, S., Moon, S.W., and Jung, J.W. (2017). “Stress dependency of shear wave velocity measurements in soils.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 143, No.2, 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001592, Article Number: 04016092.
  36. Ku, T.*, Moon, S.W., and Gutierrez, B.J. (2016). “Advanced application of seismic cone penetration test at complex ground conditions.” Engineering Geology, Vol. 210, 140-147, 10.1016/j.enggeo.2016.06.009 
  37. Moon, S.W. and Ku, T.* (2016). “Development of global correlation models between in-situ stress-normalized shear wave velocity and soil unit weight for plastic soils.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 53, No. 10, 1600-1611,  10.1139/cgj-2016-0015.
  38. Ku, T.*, and Mayne, P.W. (2015). “In situ lateral stress coefficient (K0) from shear wave velocity measurements in soils.”  Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol.141, No. 12, 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001354.
  39. Ku, T.*, and Mayne, P.W. (2015). “Directional properties of small strain shear stiffness in soils.” Geomechanics and Geoengineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, 68-81. 10.1080/17486025.2014.921332
  40. Ku, T.*, and Mayne, P.W. (2014). “Stress history profiling using OCD-G0 anisotropy relationship.” Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) – Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 167, No. 5, 476-490.  10.1680/geng.13.00023
  41. Ku, T.*, and Mayne, P.W. (2013). “Evaluating the in-situ lateral stress coefficient (K0) of soils via paired shear wave velocity modes.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 139, No. 5, 775-787.  10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0000756
  42. Ku, T.*, Mayne, P.W., and Cargill, E. (2013). “Continuous-interval shear wave velocity profiling by auto-source and seismic piezocone tests.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 50, No. 4, 382-390. (Honor : CGJ Editor’s choice  ̶  May 2013) 10.1139/cgj-2012-0278 [open access]
  43. Ku, T.*, and Mayne, P.W. (2013). “Yield stress history evaluated from paired in-situ shear moduli of different modes.” Engineering Geology, Vol. 152, No. 1, 122-132. 10.1016/j.enggeo.2012.11.001
  44. Ku, T.*, and Mayne, P.W. (2013). “Profiling of K0 in soils using paired directional G0 ratios.” Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 94, 15-21. 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2013.04.002
  45. Ku, T.*, Weemees, I., Cargill, E., Mayne, P.W., and Woeller, D. (2013). “Post-processing continuous shear wave signals taken during cone penetrometer testing.” Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, Vol. 36, No. 4, 543-552.  10.1520/GTJ20120013.
  46. Ku, T.*, and Mayne, P.W. (2012). “Frequent-interval SDMT and continuous SCPTu for detailed shear wave velocity profiling in soils.” Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, Vol. 43, No.4, 34-40. 



  • Subramanian, S., Ng, Y.C.H., and Ku, T.* “Mix design terminologies for cement-admixed sandy clay.”
  • Ng, Y.C.H.*, Hu, X., Wong, L.N., Teo, S., Ku, T., and Lee, F.H. “A framework for relating electrical conductivity to strength of cement-admixed clay.”
  • Zhang, Y., Li, Y., and Ku, T.* “A new geophysical method to profile soil and rock interface: autocorrelation seismic interferometry using ambient noise.”
  • Wei, X., Liu, H., and Ku, T.* “Correlating failure strength with wave velocities for cemented sands from the particle scale analysis.”


  • Leung, C.F., Ku, T., Chian, S.C. (2016). ICSGE2015: Advances in Soft Ground Engineering, Research Publishing, Singapore, 913 pp.



  1. Lo, M.K., Wei, X., Chian, S.C., and Ku, T. (2020). “Bayesian network characterization of shear wave velocity for sands.” Proceeding of 7th Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Its Applications (APSSRA2020), Tokyo, Japan, 362-366.
  2. Li, Y. E., Zhang, Y., Nilot, E., and Ku, T. (2020). “Passive seismic methods for shallow and deep bedrock detection in Singapore.” SEG Global Meeting Abstracts, 176-180.
  3. Ng, Y.C.H., Zhang, Y., and Ku, T. (2019). “Shear Wave Velocity Profiling in Jurong Formation of Singapore using MASW – a Case Study in Complex Geological Formation.” International Conference on Case Histories & Soil Properties (ICCS2019), Singapore, 8p.
  4. Subramanian, S., Moon, S.W. and Ku, T. (2019). “Effect of Gypsum on the strength of CSA treated sand.” Proceedings of 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Taipei, 4p.
  5. Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, H., and Ku, T. (2019). “Near-surface bedrock profiling using urban ambient noise: An autocorrelation approach.” SEG International Exposition and 89th Annual Meeting, 3126-3130, https://doi.org/10.1190/segam2019-3214321.1.
  6. Subramanian, S., and Ku, T. (2019). “Yielding behaviour of cemented binary mixture.” Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials (IS-Glasgow 2019), E3S Web Conf. Vol 92, 11007,  https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20199211007.
  7. Khan, Q., Ng, Y.C.H., and Ku, T. (2019). “Small strain stiffness of artificially cemented soft clay: modelling the effect of structure degradation.” Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials (IS-Glasgow 2019), E3S Web Conf. Vol 92, 11009, https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20199211009.
  8. Ng,Y.C.H., Danovan, W., and Ku, T. (2019). “The potential of seismic cross-hole tomography for geotechnical site investigation.” Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials (IS-Glasgow 2019), E3S Web Conf. Vol 92, 18006, https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20199218006.
  9. Subramanian, S., and Ku, T. (2018). “Compressibility of cemented binary mixture.” Proc. The 31st KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 4p.
  10. Zhang, Y., Li, Y., and Ku, T. (2018). “Autocorrelation-based Geophysical Bedrock Mapping Using Ambient Noise.” Proc. The 31st KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 4p.
  11. Ng, Y.C.H., Li, Y., and Ku, T. (2018). “Time-Picking Methods for Seismic Cross-Hole Data with low signal-to-noise ratio.” Proc. The 31st KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 4p.
  12. Zhang, Y.*, Li, Y., Zhang, H., and Ku, T. (2018). “Optimized passive seismic interferometry for bedrock detection: A Singapore case study.” SEG International Exposition and 88th Annual Meeting, 2506-2510, 10.1190/segam2018-2988512.1
  13. Vinoth, G., Moon, S.W., Kim, J., and Ku, T. (2018). “Effect of fine particles on cement treated sand.” Proceedings of China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Vol. 1, 847-851.
  14. Mussabayeva, A., Kim, J., Lee, D., Ku, T., and Moon, S.W. (2018). “Numerical investigation of drilled shafts near an embankment slope under combined torque-lateral load scenario.” Proceedings of China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Vol. 2, 1512-1515.
  15. Subramanian, S. and Ku, T. (2017). “Behaviour of cement treated Singapore marine clay with sand.” Proc. The 30th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 4p. 
  16. Moon, S.W. and Ku, T. (2017). “Estimation of bedrock locations and weathering degree using shear wave velocity-based approach.” 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE2017), Korean Geotechnical Society, 627-630.
  17. Khan, Q, Subramanian, S., Moon, S.W. and Ku, T. (2017) “Determining arrival time of shear waves in bender element test: Idealized sine wave approach.” 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE2017), Korean Geotechnical Society, 411-414.
  18. Moon, S.W. and Ku, T. (2016). “Empirical estimation of soil unit weight and undrained shear strength from shear wave velocity measurements.” 5th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization (ISC’5), Australian Geomechanics Society, Vol 2, 1247-1252.
  19. Agaiby, S.S., Cargill, E., Ku, T., and Mayne, P.W. (2016). “Continuous-interval seismic piezocone testing in Piedmont residuum.” 5th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization (ISC’5), Australian Geomechanics Society, Vol 2, 1065-1070.
  20. Moon, S.W., Khan, Q., and Ku, T. (2016). “Application of MASW methods for investigation of shear wave velocity in residual soils of Singapore.” Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Congress (GEO-SEI 2016), ASCE, 1688-1699. 
  21. Moon, S.W., Khan, Q., and Ku, T. (2015). “Shear wave velocity based estimation of soil unit weight and undrained shear strength on soft ground.” International Conference on Soft Ground Engineering (ICSGE2015), Singapore: 853-861.
  22. Moon, S.W. and Ku, T. (2015). “Determination of in-situ shear wave velocity profile in Singapore from MASW.” Near Surface Asia Pacific Conference (2015 SEG Conf.), Waikoloa, Hawaii, 4p.
  23. Ku, T. (2013). “Anisotropy of small-strain stiffness related to geostatic stress state in soils.” Proc. The Twenty-Sixth KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, NUS, Singapore, 4p.
  24. Ku, T. and Mayne, P.W. (2012). “Feasibility and sensitivity analysis of at-rest lateral stress coefficient (K0) prediction using different types of shear wave velocities.” Proc. GeoCongress 2012, GSP 225, ASCE, Reston, VA: 2639-2648.
  25. Ku, T., Mayne, P.W., and Gutierrez, B.J. (2012). “Shear wave profiles in Tertiary marine sediments in west central South Carolina.” 4th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization, Vol. 2, (Proc. ISC-4, Pernambuco, Brazil), CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group, London: 1259-1265.
  26. Ku, T., Mayne, P.W., and Gutierrez, B.J. (2011). “Hierarchy of Vs modes and stress-dependency in geomaterials.”  Proceedings, 5th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Seoul, Vol.1, Taylor & Francis Group, London: 533-540.


  1. Ku, T. (2020). “Geophysical site characterization: Advances in invasive and noninvasive survey methods.” 2nd US-Korea Geotech Workshop, Korean Geotechnical Society – North America (KGS-NA), University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
  2. Lo, M.C., Fu, N., and Ku, T. (2020). “Development of soil stratification from CPT based on machine learning.” Invited talk – Technical Sharing Session (Dec 2020), Land Transport Authority (LTA) Academy, Singapore.
  3. Ku, T. (2020). “Geophysical site investigation- Case studies: crosshole tomography & surface wave tests.” Invited talk (Aug 2020), Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) Inspection Body – TC SI meeting, Singapore.
  4. Ku, T.*, Zhang, Y., Wei, X., and Li, Y. (2019). “HVSR processing and applications in Singapore.” SEG/EAGE Workshop: Geophysical Aspects of Smart Cities, Singapore.
  5. Nilot, E.*, Li, Y., Zhang, Y., and Ku, T. (2019). “Deep bedrock detection based on seismic interferometry using ambient noise in Singapore.” SEG/EAGE Workshop: Geophysical Aspects of Smart Cities, Singapore.
  6. Ku, T. (2019). “Advanced near-surface geophysics for geotechnical site investigation.” Invited talk (November 2019), Nazarbayev University, Nur-sultan, Kazakhstan.
  7. Zhang, Y.* and Ku, T. (2019). HVSR measurement and applications in Singapore. 16th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (July 2019), Session: Solid Earth Sciences – Geotechnical & Geophysical Site Characterization, Singapore.
  8. Zhang, Y.*, Li, Y., and Ku, T. (2019). “Challenges of Near-Surface Seismic Imaging.” 3rd NUS Upstream Petroleum Research Initiative (NUPRI) Workshop (May 2019), University Town, National University of Singapore.
  9. Subramanian, S.* and Ku, T. (2018). “Strength of CSA treated sand with varying gypsum content.” 2018 International Academic Forum on the Urban Environmental Geo-engineering and Geo-hazard Prevention Technologies, NUS.
  10. Khan, Q.*, Subramanian, S., Wong, D.Y.C., and Ku, T. (2018). “Bender elements in stiff cemented clay: shear wave velocity (Vs) correction by applying wavelength considerations.” 2018 International Academic Forum on the Urban Environmental Geo-engineering and Geo-hazard Prevention Technologies, NUS.
  11. Wong, D.Y.C.*, Lee, F.H., Goh, S.H., and Ku, T. (2018). “Detection of heterogeneity in cement-admixed soil using geophysical measurements.” 2018 International Academic Forum on the Urban Environmental Geo-engineering and Geo-hazard Prevention Technologies, NUS.
  12. Ng, Y.C.H.*, Danovan, W., and Ku, T. (2018). Seismic cross-hole tomography for near-surface site investigation: a case study on a reclaimed land.” GeoShanghai International Conference 2018, China. (Honor – Best Poster Award)
  13. Ku, T.* and Ng, Y.C.H. (2018). “Application of in-situ seismic waves for geotechnical site characterization.” Invited talk (May 2018), Tongji University, China.
  14. Zhang, Y.*, Li, Y., Zhang, H., and Ku, T. (2018). “Near-surface site investigation by seismic interferometry using urban traffic noise.” 2nd NUPRI Workshop (May 2018), University Town, National University of Singapore.
  15. Ku, T. (2017). “Seismic wave-based geocharacterization: post-processing of auto source SCPT signal & bedrock estimation using MASW.” Invited talk (June 2017), Korea University, Seoul, South Korea.
  16. Subramaniam, P., Zhang, Y., and Ku, T. (2017). “Non-invasive geophysical study for bedrock evaluation – part I & II (Poster Presentation).” LTA Future Mobility Symposium 2017, Suntec City Convention, Singapore.
  17. Ku, T. (2016). “Geophysical site investigations: surface wave method & continuous-interval SCPT .” Invited talk (June 2016), Kyung Hee University, Suwon-si, South Korea.
  18. Ku, T. (2016). “Non-invasive geophysical study for bedrock evaluation.” Inaugural TRC@NUS Workshop, NUS-LTA Transport Research Center, Singapore.
  19. Ku, T. (2016). “Geophysical site characterization using in-situ seismic waves.” Invited talk (FEB 2016), Arizona State University, US.
  20. Ku, T. (2015). “Geophysical site characterization: some advanced geotechnical applications.” Invited talk (June 2015), Geotechnical Seminar, Geotechnical Society of Singapore, Singapore.
  21. Ku, T. (2014). “Wave-based geocharacterization: some recent applications.” Invited talk (June 2014), Korea Institute of Civil Engineering & Building Technology, Goyang-si, South Korea.
  22. Ku, T. (2013). “Evaluation of stress history & geostatic stress state using directional shear waves.” Invited talk (July 2013), Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea.
  23. Ku, T., Weemees, I., Cargill, E., Mayne, P.W., and Woeller, D. (2012). “Post-processing of continuous shear wave signals.”  ASTM D-18 Symposium, Dynamic Testing of Soil & Rock: Field and Laboratory, San Diego, CA.
  24. Ku, T., Mayne, P.W., and Gutierrez, B.J. (2010). “Difficulties in evaluating geotechnical stress state at Savannah River Site, South Carolina (Oral Presentation).” AEG Annual Meeting, Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (AEG), Charleston, SC.
  25. Ku, T., Mayne, P.W., and Gutierrez, B.J. (2010). “Hierarchy of shear wave velocity modes in soils (Oral Presentation).” AEG Annual Meeting, Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (AEG), Charleston, SC.
  26. Ku, T., and Mayne, P.W. (2011). “Shear wave velocity-stress relationship in soil (Poster Presentation).” Georgia Tech Research and Innovation Conference (GTRIC 2011), GT Student Ballroom, Atlanta, GA.
  27. Ku, T., and Mayne, P.W.(2011). “Post-processing of continuous shear wave signals (Poster Presentation).” 14th Annual George F. Sowers Symposium, GT Student Ballroom, Atlanta, GA.
  28. Ku, T., Mayne, P.W., and Gutierrez, B.J. (2010). “Geostatic stress state and stiffness anisotropy from directional shear wave velocity measurements at SRS (Poster Presentation).” 13th Annual George F. Sowers Symposium, GT Student Ballroom, Atlanta, GA.
  29. Ku, T., Gutierrez, B.J. and Mayne, P.W. (2009). “Stiffness anisotropy from directional shear wave velocities at SRS (Poster Presentation).” 12th Annual George F. Sowers Symposium, GT Student Ballroom, Atlanta, GA.
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