3.3 Teaching Awards

The University promotes teaching on campus through various Teaching Awards – the Outstanding Educator Award (OEA), the Annual Digital Education Award (ADEA), the Annual Teaching Excellence Award (ATEA), and the Honour Roll. These awards serve three important functions: (1) recognises teachers who excel in their profession, (2) indicates the importance that the institution accords to teaching, and (3) sends clear signals to the teaching community about what the institution regards as high quality teaching.

In 2022, CDTL organised two events—Teaching Awards 2021 and Teaching Awards 2022. Due to disruptions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the two Teaching Award events were held within the same year. The Teaching Awards will resume its regular yearly schedule from 2023.


Teaching Awards 2021

Winners of the University Teaching Awards 2021 received their awards in 2021; however, no ceremony was held due to COVID-19.  Instead, only the Outstanding Educator Award (OEA) 2021 Public Lecture was held on 19 May 2022 at LT 3, College of Design and Engineering (CDE).

The following are the winners of the University Teaching Awards 2021:

  • 2 OEA recipients (A/P Alfred KOW/YLLSoM & A/P Marleen DIELEMAN/NUS Business School)  
  • 11 Honour Roll recipients 
  • 41 Annual Teaching Excellence Award (ATEA) recipients (Individual)  
  • 5 ATEA recipients (Team)  
  • 3 Annual Digital Education Award (ADEA) recipients (Individual)  
  • 3 ADEA (Team)


Teaching Awards 2022

The University Teaching Awards & Outstanding Educator Award (OEA) Public Lecture was held on 21 September 2022 at LT 6, CDE. 

The following are the winners of the University Teaching Awards 2022:

  • 2 OEA recipients (A/P HENG Cheng Suang/SoC & Mr Donn KOH/CDE) 
  • 7 Honour Roll recipients (2022-2026) 
  • 41 ATEA recipients (Individual) 
  • 5 ATEA recipients (Team) 
  • 4 ADEA recipients (Individual) 
  • 4 ADEA recipients (Team)