2020 DSA3311: Undergraduate Project Internship Programme
- A dynamic Dashboard for Predictive Machinery and Automated Reporting Tool
- Text Analytics for Multi-Document Summarization
- Visualization and Correlation Analysis for data insights
- Build a user interface and a dashboard using Power BI, Power Apps and Excel Visual Basic
- Data and Model Quality Checking Project
2019 Supervised Projects for ST4199
- Responsive Split Questionnaire Survey Design for the Estimation of Tourist Expenditure
- Tourist Expenditure Prediction: A Multi-Task Learning Approach
- A Deep Learning Framework For Stock Investment
2019 Staff Advisor for DSA 4299 Projects:
- Singapore Warehouse Workforce Optimization
- Forecasting brand KPIs by developing and automating end-to-end machine learning pipeline
- Content Discovery and Viewing Improvements on Viki web and Apps
2019 DSA3310: Undergraduate Project Internship Programme
- Intelligent Robotic Navigation/Manipulation System with Deep Learning
- Implementation of a machine learning algorithm to automate and flag anomalous behaviours
- Build a Dashboard using Power BI
- Survey Analytics Project
- Micro-Survey Analysis
2018 Supervised Projects for ST4199
- Predicting In-Hospital Mortality Risks in Intensive Care Unit Admissions
- Using Machine Learning to Identify Type 2 Diabetes Patients with Prolonged Length of Stay in ICU
- Predicting patient no-show and evaluating a predictive overbooking algorithm in improving clinic performance
2018 Supervised Projects for ST5199
- Multi-Task Learning for Stock Investment
2017 Supervised Project for ST4299
- Churn Analytics Reduction System to Maximize Revenue