To all prospective participants, speakers & esteemed guests,


We are living in a period of unprecedented challenge. Yet at the same time, we have witnessed the capabilities and resilience of many Singaporeans. Given the phased easing of circuit breaker measures put in place since May, the CAPTISS team has sat down to discuss the fate of CAPTISS 2020. After consultation with the college management, we have made the difficult decision to delay the symposium to 20 February 2021.


While many academic conferences have shifted online, we wish to retain the physical nature of CAPTISS 2021. This is because we believe that CAPTISS is not like any other academic conference. CAPTISS is organised for students by students and it is a formal avenue for students to showcase projects they spent months of research on alongside academic experts and industry practitioners. We wish to give our student researchers a conducive environment to share their work, with the hope of contributing to tangible policy changes and civic discourse.


CAPTISS is also different because of the intimate conversations it brings with our community stakeholders, many of which are underserved in the society. Some of our special programmes such as the Human Library and Applied Theatre works best with an immersive and face-to-face interaction so that participants can fully grasp the challenges that the speakers face and the opportunities they bring forth. With a physical event venue, CAPTISS can provide that much needed safe space for our participants to share about their lives, develop ideas and inspire change.


That being said, the CAPTISS 2021 team remains committed to the safety and well-being of all our participants and speakers. As such, the symposium in February 2021 will be organised in strict accordance to the guidelines laid out by the National University of Singapore and the regulations set by Singapore’s Ministry of Health, with provisions for safe distancing and reduced group sizes.


CAPTISS remain committed to engage international speakers with the aim of providing a wide variety of academic experiences in spite of the volatile global climate. We will do our utmost to adapt to the changing situation and ensure the safety of all international and local speakers. The committee will continue to collaborate and communicate with potential international speakers to provide the best possible CAPTISS experience.


Amidst this trying time, the CAPTISS 2021 team hopes to deliver a meaningful symposium that encourages students and speakers to engage in civic discourse. We hope that all speakers will join us in creating a diverse, and enriching academic environment for the discussion of important topics in Singapore today. While we continue to weather this storm, let us come together to think, reflect, and inspire.



Take care and see everyone soon,


Phua Keng Yung & Tan Li Qi


College of Alice & Peter Tan Student Symposium 2021


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