(E-SEAL) Environmental Sustainability and Economics Analytical Lab

Bioeconomic modeling for a sustainable future

Tag: tropical forests

Conservation Asia Conference 2016

The joint SCB and ATBC Conservation Asia conference was held in Singapore from June 29-July 2, 2016. The BioEcon lab held three different symposium throughout the conference with great success!

Francesca and Le hosted ‘Ecosystem Services and Market-Based Conservation: Challenges for the Tropics’.

Will and Yuchen hosted ‘Integrated Approaches to Reconcile Biodiversity and Land Use Change’. 

Roman co-hosted with Richard Corlett (XTBG) on ‘Reducing the Biodiversity Impacts of Infrastructure Development in the Tropics’. 

Amy presenting

Amy presenting

Will presenting

Will presenting

Winnie presenting her FYP

Winnie presenting her FYP

Yuchen presenting

Yuchen presenting


Reconciling agricultural land use and forest ecosystem services

Our paper “Five challenges to reconcile agricultural land use and forest ecosystem services in Southeast Asia” has been accepted in Conservation Biology! See our list of publications

Francesca and Le present at Ecosystem Services Partnership World Conferecence

Two members of our lab, Francesca and Le, attended the 8th Ecosystem Services Partnership World Conference at Stellenbosch, South Africa in November 2015. Francesca gave 2 talks on her PhD work: “Identifying the factors associated with equity in PES schemes” and “Valuing ES using life-years instead of dollars”. Le gave the talk on “Economic valuation of ES fails to capture biodiversity value of tropical forests”




Do Protected Areas Stop Deforestation?

Our research on deforestation and protected area effectiveness in Indonesia published in Global Environmental Change was featured in Phys.org, ScienceDaily, NewsDesk, Today

GEC paper_physorg

GEC paper_science daily


GEC paper_Worldnewsreport


Biodiversity as an economic value

Our research on valuation of ecosystem services published in Biological Conservation has been featured by CIFOR Forest News and Mongabay


Biocon eco value paper_Ciformongabay interview



Oil Palm: A double edged sword

Research on oil palm published in Science has been featured in Scientific American and Phys.org

oil palm1oil palm2

oil palm3


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