
AAAR 37th Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon

Laura, Nethmi, and Alex attended 37th Annual Conference of American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) in Portland, Oregon. Nethmi is one of the Best Student Poster Award winners based on her research on the effect of relative humidity on the secondary brown carbon formation in evaporating droplets. Congratulation!


World Clean Air Congress 2019 in Istanbul

Alex attended the World Clean Air Congress 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey, organized by the International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations. The World Clean Air Congress 2011 will be held in Singapore.


11th Asian Aerosol Conference in Hong Kong

The whole group (from left: Alex, Larua, Nethmi, Lulu and Mutian) attended the 11th Asian Aerosol Conference organized by the City University of Hong Kong. We gave 5 oral and 1 poster presentations in the conference.


10th International Aerosol Conference in St. Louis


Nethmi and Alex attended the 10th International Aerosol Conference (Link to the conference webpage) in St. Louis, USA. Nethmi is one of the Best Student Poster Award winners (Sources of Brown Carbon in Urban Environments: Importance of Vehicular Emissions) among more than 300 student posters in this conference. Congratulation!


North Atlantic Aerosol and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES) – R/V Atlantis

Laura was participating the NAAMES4 (Link to the official webpage) cruise measurement in R/V Atlantis during March-April 2018. She was operating a high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometer onboard for investigating secondary aerosol formation in the marine environment due to ocean-atmosphere interactions. This project is in collaboration with Prof. Lynn Russell from University of California, San Diego.


Final Year Project Symposium 2018

Dong, Joy and Yuxi presented their posters in the FYP Symposium (April 2018). Joy and Yuxi received the best poster award under the category of “Air Quality and Climate Change”. Congratulations!


NEA – NERI Air Quality Workshop 2017

Alex, Nethmi and Max in NEA-NERI Air Quality Workshop 2017 (Link for more information)


Thanks giving dinner in Singapore

From left: Lu Lu, Nethmi, Alex, Max, Dong, Joy, Turkey, and Food! (Nov 2017)