
Dr. Adrian Chong is an Assistant Professor in the Department of the Built Environment at the National University of Singapore (NUS). His research interest is in building energy modeling and simulation, focusing on model calibration and uncertainty quantification. At NUS, he leads the Integrated Data, Energy Analysis + Simulation (IDEAS) lab, a multidisciplinary group researching the interaction between building performance simulation, measured data, and machine learning. Adrian is also the subject editor (validation, calibration, and uncertainty) for the journal Building Simulation and an NUS principal investigator at the SinBerBEST program Theme E – Cyber-Physical Testbed.

Visit my lab’s webpage (https://ideaslab.io) for more information about my research.

Academic Qualifications:

  • PhD (Building Performance and Diagnostics) (2017), Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
  • MSc (Building Science) (2012), National University of Singapore, Singapore.
  • BSc (Project & Facilities Management) (Hons, 1st Class) (2010), National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Employment Records:

  • Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore (2017 – present).
  • Research Assistant, Carnegie Mellon University (2012 – 2017).
  • Teaching Assistant, National University of Singapore (2010 – 2017).
  • Research Intern, Toshiba Research and Development Center, Japan (Dec 2015 – Jan 2016).

Research Interests:

  • Building performance modeling and simulation.
  • Building data analytics.
  • Application of machine learning and statistical modeling to building data.
  • Uncertainty analysis and quantification.
  • Bayesian calibration.


  • A total building performance approach to real-time occupant centric sensing and control for mixed mode ventilation in the tropics. Funded by the Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF) under its Cities of Tomorrow (CoT) R&D programme, and administered by Singapore Building and Construction Authority (BCA), 2021–2023, S$3,746,640
  • NUS Resilience and Growth (R&G) Postdoctoral Fellowship. Funded by the Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF), 2021–2023, S$134,968
  • Aerosol infection control in buildings: temperature, humidity, airflow and ventilation. Funded by the National University of Singapore under its COVID-19 research grant, 2020–2021, S$95,000.
  • Understanding the impact of dividers on droplet and flow characteristics in NUS canteen. Funded by the National University of Singapore (NUS) Office of Safety, Health and Environment (OSHE), 2020–2021, S$65,000
  • Aerosol infection control in buildings: temperature, humidity, airflow and ventilation, NUS COVID-19 Research Grant, Principal Investigator, $95,000 (Apr 2020 – Apr 2021).
  • Model-based design and control method for semi-personal HVAC system. Funded by Kajima Corporation, 2019–2021, S$140,400.
  • Integrated web-based platform for lifecycle building energy modelling. Funded by Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation (NTFCF) Research Funding, 2018–2021, S$395,036.
  • Generating certified energy models in Singapore through an M&V framework: A pilot study. Funded by Ministry of Education (MOE), NUS Start-up grant, 2018–2021, S$179,519.
  • Lifecycle BIM Integration with Energy MM&V for Net Zero Energy Building. Funded by Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF) under its Green Buildings Innovation Cluster Energy Efficiency Research & Development (GBIC-R&D) Programme, 2016–2018, S$818,499
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