Reduce your waste at home!

Hi readers, for today’s blog post I would like to share and explain some tips on how we can reduce our waste at home, which in turn reduce our personal or household carbon footprint needed to incinerate waste as they end up in the landfill.

9 Ways to reduce your individual or household waste:

  1. Use reusable grocery bag or Green bags
    1. Reduce the use of plastic bags for groceries
  2. Use a reusable bottle
    1. Especially when going out
    2. Stop purchasing bottled water, this, in turn, save money and reduce waste
  3. Purchase wisely
    1. Do not over consume products
  4. Recycle your waste rather than disposing of them
  5. Try to compost
    1. Unwanted fruit, vegetable scraps, eggshells, coffee grounds, and etc
    2. If you have outdoor or indoor plants, this could help you save on fertilisers
    3. And even grow your own vegetables
  6. Avoid using plastic containers and utensils
    1. In fact some businesses may give you discounts when use bring your own mugs or containers when taking away
    2. Instead of using plastic straws, buy a plastic straw that can be reused over time
  7. Buy in bulk
    1. Help to reduce packaging and its waste
  8. Limit the use of paper-related materials
    1. Especially in this digital age, even our telecommunication bills are now accessible online
    2. Opt for digital subscriptions for daily news and is often slightly cheaper than purchasing the hard copy version
  9. Learn to repair rather than discard
    1. This is much cheaper than disposing them and buying new products
    2. Purchase high-quality products than can last longer and have longer durability





(Staff, 2017)


In conclusion, the decisions we make in our everyday lives have a major impact on Earth. Minimising our daily waste, could, in turn, reduce the number of waste transported to landfills for incineration. Although at an individual level, the impact could be small but imagine if everyone plays a role in minimising their individual or household waste, this could result in a major impact. These little changes can ensure a collective effort to reduce waste at an individual to a community effort which thereby could make a huge difference in waste transported and its resulting air pollutants.

Thank you for reading! The next post I will be looking into air pollution from heavy industries.


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