Grow plants indoors!

Hi readers, this blog post will share some ways to grow plants indoors and help to reduce indoor air pollution. This is especially important as per the current pandemic situation, where we spent 80% of our time indoors. As discussed previously, air pollutants such as potential toxic gas, particulate matter and others can accumulate on furniture, carpets and walls, increasing our vulnerability to air pollutants.

The role of plants which can absorb toxins and thereby improve indoor air quality. However, often most of us neglect or have little knowledge of what these plats are best at in terms of purifying our indoor air quality.

An image of some indoor plants. plants.

Another image of some indoor plants.

Ways to grow plants indoors:

  1. Choosing the right indoor plants
    1. The bigger and leafier the better
    2. Other characteristics include hairy and waxy leaves are also more effective
  2. Increase the diversity of indoor plants
    1. Planting different species- remove different pollutants from the air
  3. Place them next to an eastern window
    1. This help to optimise the sun
  4. Read up on plants or ask someone at the gardening store to find out

The following is the list of plants best for air purifiication (Based on NASA’S study):

  • Boston Fern
  • Chinese evergreen
  • Snake Plant
  • Bamboo palm
  • Purple Waffle Plant

House indoor plants is the cheapest and easiest ways to do more than just add a pretty touch to our homes. According to a NASA study, air purifying plants can detoxify our homes thereby improving air quality.

While plants can improve air quality indoors, they are also more natural, cost-effective and therapeutic as plants are also known to:

  • increase mood and productivity
  • enhance concentration and memory
  • reduce stress and fatigue

To conclude, plants aren’t just pretty to look at, they can help purify the air in and around your home. As we seen in previous blogs that poor air quality has been linked to lung diseases like asthma, chronic related-diseases and even lung cancer. Start growing plants indoors!

Till next time!

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