SE6770 & Annual Graduate Seminar 2013


  • Yoshihide Sugimoto (MA Candidate, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, NUS)
  • Rachel Elizabeth Hand (PhD Candidate, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, NUS)
  • Mary Grace R. Concepcion (PhD Candidate, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, NUS)
  • Kyaw Minn Htin (PhD Candidate, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, NUS)
  • Arunima Datta (PhD Candidate, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, NUS
  • Budi Irawanto (PhD Candidate, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, NUS
  • Somrak Chaisingkananont (PhD Candidate, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, NUS
  • Xin Guangcan (PhD Candidate, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, NUS
  • Kanami Namiki (PhD Candidate, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, NUS
  • Chung Ye Sun (PhD Candidate, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, NUS
  • Natalie Ong Sze Yuen (PhD Candidate, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, NUS)
  • Nguyen Quang Dung (PhD Candidate, Department of Southeast Asian Studies, NUS)

Date: Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Time: 10:00am – 3:40pm
Venue: AS3, Level 6, SEAS Seminar Room (06-20)

SE6770 is a Faculty requirement since 2004. The module is intended to encourage scholarly interactions  among the graduate research students. Under a lecturer’s guidance, the students  have engaged with each other during the past months, and now share their thoughts  with the wider community. They hope to attract comments and suggestions for the  further development of their thesis projects. This year’s SE6770 seminar is combined with the department’s annual graduate seminar where all graduate research students at the department share the progress of their thesis.

Seminar Topics

Part One
Chairperson – Assoc Prof Itty Abraham

Yoshihide Sugimoto
The IMS Growth Triangle and Its Impact on the Ferry Transportation in Riau Islands

Rachel Elizabeth Hand
Performing for Generations: Knowledge Acquisition and the Family in Traditional Javanese Performing Arts

Mary Grace R. Concepcion
Memories of Military Rule: A Study of Selected Philippine Martial Law Autobiographies

Kyaw Minn Htin
The Rohingyas of North-west Arakan: Quest for Ethnic Identity and the Roots of Communal Conflict in Western Myanmar

Part Two:
Chairperson – Assoc Prof Jan Mrazek

Arunima Datta
Passion Ties: Agency of Tamil “Coolie” Women on Malayan Rubber Plantations

Budi Irawanto
The Revolution is Being Shot on Digital Camera: The Changing Film Landscape in Indonesia and Malaysia

Somrak Chaisingkananont
Cultural Politics of Promoting Zhuang Identity in the State-sponsored Buluotuo Cultural Festival

Xin Guangcan
Entrepot and End User of Chinese Ceramics in Southeast Asia – A Comparative Study between Singapore and Trowulan of the 14th Century

Kanami Namiki
Contested “Maranao-ness”: Muslim Filipinos Dancing between National, Cultural and Religious Identities

Chung Ye Sun
Transplanted Islam by Indonesian migrant workers in South Korea

Natalie Ong Sze Yuen
Personal Ornamentation and Social Hierarchy: The Narrative Reliefs of Borobudur and Loro Jonggrang, Central Java, 8th-9th C.E.

Nguyen Quang Dung
Double Ethnic Identity as an impact of Language education towards the Ethnic minorities: Case Study of the Lahu, Tak Province, Thailand
