
Speaker: A/P Mike Cheung

Title: A Non-Technical Introduction to Statistics using Path Diagrams

Date: Friday 1 April, 1-2 pm

Venue: AS4/02-08 (Psychology Department Meeting Room)


Statistical models are essential tools for decision-making in many
disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. However, many
researchers (and students) are daunted by complicated formulas that they must learn in order to understand the basic and the more advanced statistics. Many researchers also find that the formulas they have learned do not seemingly relate to each other. In this talk, I will attempt to give an introduction to statistics using path diagrams under the structural equation modeling (SEM) framework. Using such diagrams, I will try to integrate all the basic concepts in statistics involving t-test, ANOVA, MANOVA, correlation, regression, SEM and meta-analysis, into one cohesive framework. It is hoped that participants will revisit the basic concepts in statistics with a new perspective.

About the Speaker:

A/P Mike Cheung is an Associate Professor at the Department of
Psychology, and an Associate Professor (by courtesy) at the Department of Management & Organisation, NUS. His research interests are quantitative methods, especially in the topics of meta-analysis, structural equation modeling, and multilevel modeling. He recently published a book titled “Meta-Analysis: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach” published by Wiley. He is co-editing a book series titled “SpringerBriefs in Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis” published by Springer and a special issue on “meta-analytic structural equation modeling” that will appear in the journal /Research Synthesis Methods/.

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