SSR Thematic Grant: Human Development and Skills – Key Questions

  1. -What changes are occurring in the labour market, and what are the drivers of these changes?

-What is the impact of such changes on different sectors, types of enterprises, occupations and workers from different backgrounds (e.g., demographics, education level, types and levels of skills and expertise)?

-What are the critical competencies and skills that are more resilient to these changes, and more likely to stay relevant?

2. -What is the ‘return on investment’ for the different stages of education and lifelong learning?

-What methodologies can be adopted to evaluate the longer term efficacy and outcomes (both positive and negative) of various education and lifelong learning policies?

3. -How do workers of different profiles (e.g., age, educational background) best learn and develop new skills, and what factors motivate them to pursue continuous and lifelong learning?

-What role does job re-design play?

-How do workers retain or lose skills at various stages of their lives?

-What forms of education, training, or other interventions are most effective for people of different profiles to gain and retain skills?

4. -What forms of care and education in the early childhood years have more positive impacts on social mobility and attitudes to learning and skills in adulthood?

-How should these early interventions interrelate with education during the school and post-secondary years?



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