Assignment 1: Clarifications

We received several FAQs about Assignment 1 last week. Please take note of them.

1. Can we use existing libraries that handle HTTP / CGI for this assignment?

NO. The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn about how HTTP and CGI work together, and demonstrate that to us by solving the assignment. If you use existing libraries or wrapper class (such as HttpURLConnection) you will not learn (and showed us that you know how) the internals of how HTTP/CGI works.

2. We want to implement delete/edit first, before we implement add. How can we manually create TODO entries for testing?

I have edited the file “TODO” and the files under the “data” directory so that they have three items in the list. You can copy them over to your own a1 directory.

cp ~sadm/a1/TODO $HOME/a1
cp -r ~sadm/a1/data $HOME/a1

3. Where can we find How to run

Somehow many of you missed this blog post. The code from Lecture 3 is posted there. As to how to run (or compile), please refer to . If you not as comfortable with command line as you should, you are free to use your favorite IDE (Eclipse, NetBeans, etc) to compile and run the server.

6 comments to Assignment 1: Clarifications

  1. Andrianto Lie says:

    Dear Prof,

    In ~sadm/a1/data/3 , the NOTES.txt inside it doesn’t have any content, is it supposed to be empty?

  2. You Jun says:

    Just a note to save everyone some time, but the edit and delete buttons will not work on several modern browsers (Chrome’s fine) due to the usage of image buttons.

    For more information, see the link below.

  3. LIN BAOYU says:

    Dear prof,
    I enter the line”cp ~sadm/a1/TODO $HOME/a1″ and get a file that contains only three lines as follow:
    1 Review notes for Lecture 2 of CS2105
    2 Call Ah Kow to congratulate him
    3 Figure out how to do Q2 of Tutorial 3.
    Is it right file?

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