Papers & Presentations


Classroom Response System was introduced in National University of Singapore to improve the student interaction. This system generated high level of interest among the teaching staff and students who found it useful as the system offered instant feedback of class understanding of subject matter providing insights to the instructors. However, the usage was not widely adopted due to various reasons that were impediment to the success of this service. This laid foundation to move towards ‘QuestionSMS’. A SMS based Feedback System for cheaper cost, wider compatibility and greater adoption. The paper also discusses the challenges of SMS based system and the roadmap for this initiative.

Paper Presentation at APRU Education and Research Technology Forum in California, USA. 26-28 May 2010.

Read the paper.


The National University of Singapore (NUS) implemented a campus-wide eLearning Week (eLW) from 4th to 10th October (week 8 ) of Semester I, AY 2009/2010. ELearning was meant to test the University’s ability to leverage on IT resources to maintain business continuity in the eventuality of a disruption to normal teaching activities. One aim of eLW is to understand how the University and staff could recover from the loss of interactivity and face-to-face contact when normal ‘services’ resume again. A second point is that eLW would allow staff to get better acquainted with the educational content development tools available at NUS. This will allow them to consider using these content development tools in future to complement their face-to-face teaching. The third point is to allow Computer Centre and Centre for Instructional Technology (CIT) to use eLW to stress test campus network infrastructure and internet bandwidth, course management system and streaming resources.

Paper presentation at Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010 in Malaysia. 17-20 May 2010.